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Showing posts from December, 2016

Exercising With Golf

In addition to his current position as the president and CEO of Caulk Management Company, Maryland-based William David Hill was the CEO of William Hill Manor and Easton Bancorp, Inc. In his free time, William David Hill enjoys playing golf. Both an exercise and a competitive sport, golf presents many health benefits for its players. Golf serves as a great option for cardiovascular workouts because golfers have the opportunity to walk while playing, in spite of golf carts being available. In terms of weight loss, playing a normal 4 to 8 mile course with 18 holes can burn up to 2,400 calories. The sport helps players improve both their physical and mental condition, increase their life span, and improve their sense of balance. The game also helps improve one’s strength and physical endurance. Because of its moderately intense nature compared to other sports such as basketball and football, the sport is not limited to any age. Golfers can start as early as age three and some may still